Resolutions and proposals

2024-25 term:

2023-24 Term:

Resolution 2324-32 - Member Emeritus Amal Elsaleh

Resolution 2324-31 - Member Emeritus Dhruval Bhatt

Resolution 2324-30 - Member Emeritus Mohamed Karaali

Resolution 2324-29 - Member Emeritus Nelson Glory-Ejoyokah

Resolution 2324-28 - Member Emeritus Noor Suleiman

Resolution 2324-27 - Member Emeritus TK Khan

Resolution 2324-26 - Member Emeritus Veronica Fahmi

Resolution 2324-25 - $15 Student Minimum Wage

Resolution 2324-24 - Policing Strategies

Resolution 2324-23 - Suraye History Inclusion and Integration

Resolution 2324-22 - Emergency Contraceptives Accessibility

Resolution 2324-21 - Suraye Language Inclusion courses

Resolution 2324-20 - Bylaw amendment: Attendance Policies

Resolution 2324-19 - WAU bargaining letter endorsement

Resolution 2324-18 - Declaration of April as Arab American Heritage Month

Purchase Request - Panel advertisements

Resolution 2324-17 - Bylaw amendment: Meeting Policies

Resolution 2324-16 - Student Senate Election Protocol Change

Resolution 2324-15 - Title change from Extension Center to Satellite Campus Representatives

Resolution 2324-14 - Member Emeritus Fatima Yahya

Resolution 2324-13 - Member Emeritus Huda Syed

Resolution 2324-12 - Member Emeritus Sheva Khaimov

Resolution 2324-11 - Member Emeritus Zaynah Jadallah

Resolution 2324-10 - Campus Cleanliness

Resolution 2324-09 - Menstrual Product Program

Resolution 2324-07 - Respect Resolution

Resolution 2324-06 - By-Law Amendment

Resolution 2324-08 - Student Survey Questions

Resolution 2324-05 - By-Law Amendment

Resolution 2324-04 - By-Law Amendment

Event Proposal - Battle of the Orgs

Event Proposal - Know Your Rights Workshop: Medical Campus

Event Proposal - MHPG: Substance Use and Addiction Panel

Resolution 2324-03 - BDS Resolution

Event Proposal - VESHI Halloween Tabling Event, "Vaping is Scary"

Event Proposal - Student Senate Service Day

Resolution 2324-02 - Holiday Accommodations

Event Proposal - Senate x WSU Athletics: Volleyball Tabling Event

Event Proposal - Know Your Rights Workshop

Event Proposal - MHPG Panel

Purchase Request - Senate Swag

Purchase Request - August Senate Advance

Event Proposal - Little Amal

Event Proposal - National Voter Registration Day 

Letter of Support - Standing With Our Palestinian Student Population

Resolution 2324-01 - Honoring Yousra Zouani as a Student Senate Member Emeritus

Letter of Support - Center for Gender and Sexuality

Purchase Request - Festifall Items

Purchase Request - Senate Swag 

Bylaw Amendment - Senate Bylaw Amendment Process

Letter of Support - Campus Sustainability Strategic Plan


2022-23 Term:

Resolution - VESHI

Event Proposal - Juneteenth Civic Engagement Table

Purchase Request - Student Senate Swag for Festifall 

Purchase Request - Student Senate Advance

Purchase Request - Halal Food Signage

Bylaw Amendment - Virtual Participation of Senators

Bylaw Amendment - Senate Bylaw Amendment Process


2021-22 Term:

Proposal for Change in the Project Group Bylaws

Resolution for Public Comment Policy

A Resolution Supporting The Designation of ADHD Awareness Month and Autism Acceptance Month Official University Observances 

A Resolution Supporting The Total Acknowledgement of The Mental Health Day Official University Observances Within All Academic Departments

Coalition of Unions Participation Resolution

Mental Health First Aid Training for Senate Proposal

Mental Health Project Group Resolution

ADHD Townhall Proposal 

Budget Committee Proposal 

Email Supporting Operatior Engineers Proposal 

Consent Agenda Proposal

Email for Menstrual Product Pilot Program Proposal 

Facilitate Senate Meetings with Microphones and Signs Resolution

Adopt Excused Absences Policy and Clarify Absence Procedures Resolution 

Implementing Naloxone Access within Residence Halls and Housing Units Resolution 

Single Use Parking Pass Resolution 

Election Process Resolution 

Senate Candidate Recruiting Proposal


2020-21 Term:

A Resolution to thank Provost Clabo

A Resolution allocating funding for the Warrior Safe Initiative

A Resolution to thank the Ally of the Students

A Resolution supporting the Mental Health First Aid Initiative

A Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Campus-wide Provisional Land Acknowledgement, and to Respect the Legacy of Native Peoples

A Resolution Supporting the Creation of the Campus-wide Black Council (CBC)

A Resolution Supporting the Implementation of the Water Bottle Refill Station Pilot Program

A Resolution Supporting the Development of a Menstrual Product Pilot Program

A Resolution Supporting The Course Information Matrix (CIM)

A Resolution Supporting the Queer Studies Minor

A Resolution Allocating Funding for the Free Cap & Gown Rental Program

A Resolution for the Noise-Canceling Headphones Pilot Program

A Resolution for the Members Emeritus 

A Resolution Allocating Funding for the Blue Light Blocking Glasses Pilot Program 

A Resolution Allocating Funding for Prizes for Motivote, a Voter Engagement Platform

A Resolution Supporting the Designation of Juneteenth and Indigenous People's Day Official University Observances

A Resolution to Thank Provost Keith Whitfield

A Resolution Allocating Funding for Motivote, a Voter Engagement Platform

2019-20 Term:

A Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Campus-wide Provisional Land Acknowledgement, and to Respect the Legacy of Native Peoples

A Resolution Allocating Funding for the Establishment of the Free Cap & Gown Rental Program

A Resolution Supporting the Creation of the Campus-wide Black Council (CBC) and the Funding of Retention and Graduation Promoting Activities for African American Students.

A Resolution Supporting the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) Millage Renewal

A Resolution calling upon Wayne State University to support LGBTQ+ Student and Academic Life in its mission to promote Diversity and Inclusion

A Proposed Amendment to BOG Code Related to the Structure of the General Education Oversight Committee

A Resolution Supporting The Proposal for Expanding the Spring/Summer 30% Tuition Discount to Graduate And Professional Students

A Resolution Recognizing and Allocating Funding for the Establishment of an On-Campus Polling Location at the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights

A Resolution allocating funding for the establishment of the Student Printing Stipend Pilot Program

A Resolution Supporting the Proposal for a Policy on the Provision of Syllabi and Course Information to Students in Time for Registration passed by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Faculty Council

2018-19 Term:

A Resolution Affirming the Student Senate's Support for the Repeal of BOG Code Statute and for the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion at Wayne State University

A Resolution Allocating Funding to the Psychology Clinic for a Student Fee-Free Pilot Program

A Resolution Supporting the Increased Efficiency of Recycling on Campus at Wayne State University

A Proposed Amendment to BOG Code Related to the Use of Gender-Exclusive Restrooms in WSU Facilities

A Resolution Supporting the Adoption of Open Educational Resources in Courses at Wayne State University

A Proposal for the Establishment of an On-Campus Polling Location at Wayne State University

2017-18 Term:

A Resolution Supporting the Promote the Vote Ballot Proposal

A Resolution to Encourage the Implementation of a Middle Eastern and North African (ME/NA) Racial Category to allow the University to Continue its Commitment to an Inclusive and Diverse Environment for Students, Faculty, and Administration on Campus

A Statement of Support for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program and a Reaffirmation of the Wayne State University Student Senate's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusiveness

2016-17 Term:

A Resolution to Reaffirm Wayne State University's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion and to Encourage the Creation of a Temporary Committee to Address Students Affected by Executive Order 13769

A Resolution Commemorating WSUPD Sargeant Collin Rose, who Gave his Life for the Safety of the Wayne State Community

A Resolution Encouraging Wayne State University to Join the IIE Syria Consortium for Higher Education in Crisis